This term our two classes have been learning about living and non-living things.
We know that a living thing must have certain characteristics such as be able to breathe, move, grow, reproduce and adapt to its environment to survive!
We have read some wonderful books from the library including The Tiny Seed, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Magic School Bus- Inside A Beehive, Top Dog, Counting on Frank and Grow Frog Grow to name a few. We have completed literacy and numeracy activities based on living things on the SmartBoard and in our workbooks.
We were excited to go on a living things hunt around the school (where we found a water dragon and lots of wonderful plants in the playground), and we also planted some seeds in jars in our classroom to watch them grow. We enjoyed making a variety of artworks based on living creatures such as lady beetles, crabs, grasshoppers, spiders, frogs and bees.