Coffs Harbour Public School Blog

Courtesy & Honour – Principal:Leonie Buehler


UNICEF School Project

Students can be leaders in virtual worlds, gathering knowledge and solving authentic problems. Virtual worlds allow students to engage with the curriculum content, participate in knowledge development, and achieve learning outcomes that map to real world outcomes. More importantly, students experience how problems arise and how the solution to one problem can create other problems. Students in a virtual environment have more opportunities for authentic learning than students in a traditional classroom” Virtual Worlds by Judy O’Connell and Dean Groom

The UNICEF schools project has come to a close with all the students wanting it to continue! We just do not have enough weeks in a year. This has been a fantastic experience not only for the students but also for the teachers involved. From the beginning with the introduction of a real world issue: design and build a school for a community in Afghanistan, to an architect coming in to show us how to plan and draw to scale, meeting the criteria from the UNICEF Child-Friendly School Manual, talking to Mia Cox from UNICEF Australia via Skype and the students finally gaining permission to construct their school models using Sim-on-a-Stick or MinecraftEdu. All the students involved come from very different backgrounds with very limited English speaking skills but they have been able to engage in a rich project that challenged and allowed them to achieve very successful outcomes. The great thing with this type of technology is that it differentiates accordingly and this allows all students who use it the ability to really shine.


Our Korean Friends

3P have received letters and emails from their Korean Grade 4 friends from Shingi Primary School. The Korean students’ had sent pictures of  the Pumpkin Festival and their classroom with 3P’s letters displayed on the wall. 3P students love the paper their Korean friends select to write their letters!



CHPS Playgroup

Our Wednesday morning playgroup was great fun. We had stories, songs, craft, messy play, painting, saw our friends and had fun, fun, and MORE fun!


Afghanistan Fighting Kites

Wednesday’s ESL enrichment group have been working hard on their UNICEF school design project but over the last few weeks our group has received a number of new students with many from Afghanistan and its surrounding countries. Therefore, on Wednesday we decided to have a kite building session as Afghanistan is famous for its fighting kites. This sport was banned by the Taliban and many of our students have never flown let alone built a kite. It was a fantastic group activity (the kites flew extremely well until the wind dropped) and really helped to bond the group as laughter translates across all languages 🙂 Next week Hamid and some other students will be attempting a much larger kite that will be decorated like a real Afghanistan Fighting Kite. Other students are keen to continue with their virtual school project.

This is a video that illustrates this wonderful tradition.


4/5C MinecraftEdu Rainforest Project

Rainforest assessment task: Rainforest Assessment Task


Australia Korea ConneXions with 3P

Australian and Korean schools are connecting digitally in order to develop cultural exchange while fostering understanding between Australian and Korean students and teachers. Through video conferencing and online discussions, they see each other, talk to each other, and learn about each other.  These interactions enhance the values and attitudes of Australian and Korean school students.

The project is based at the University of New England (UNE) and you can visit the Australia Korea ConneXion website by clicking on the hyperlink.

3P have been continuing their cultural video conferences with a grade 3 class from Shingi Primary School in Korea. The classes have shared fairy tales and Dreamtime stories and more recently presented on their countries popular sports. Here are the presentations from Shingi Primary School students. They also took the photos for our blog 🙂

Martial Arts by Park Yoo Jin Korean Fairy Tales by Kongji and Patji


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